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Rocking Xitrails with the brand new Pivot Shuttle

Last weekend some of us Xitrailers had the unique opportunity to ride the brand new and at that time really secret „Shuttle“, Pivots E-bike surprise on the Eurobike. Pivot decided to hold the press conference of their new „Shuttle“ on the exciting trails of the beautiful mountains of Montafon and asked Alex to guide their team and selected journalists to get a first impression of Pivots new star on the E-MTB heaven. All of this was „top secret“ because the official presentation of the secret shuttle was some days later at the Eurobike. Not even the Pivot dealers were inaugurated!

It was a great experience to spend 3 perfect biking days with the Pivot team, even Chris the head of Pivot was here, as well as some of the most important mountain bike journalists. We had a very good time with the girls and guys from Pivot and had a lot of fun riding that perfectly built, uphill as downhill absolutly top performing E-bike. The shuttle is rather expensive but offers a fair value for the money. High „willhaben-factor“!

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